My new blog

Since I am moving to Sweden and leaving my friends and family, I decided to start writing a blog to keep everyone updated on my life.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sorry I'm Lazy

Okay so I know I said I was going to try to update everyday. I failed. Sorry I was tired.

Well since I last posted I haven't done too much stuff. I did get talked into driving to Stenungsund. It's only a 5-10 minute drive, but it was really stressful. I HATE driving other people's cars. HATE IT! So Filip needed to go and use the gift cards he received for his birthday to buy some running shoes and I wanted a few things as well so I reluctantly agreed to take his mom's car. It was pretty okay for my first time driving in Sweden. I would have been more at home in my Toyota Celica I had to leave in the USA. But we made it there and back and I didn't kill anyone!

Later on that day we had to go back to the apartment in the city and get things organized. We also shopped for a few essentials and groceries. Filip finally went and bought some alcohol from the liquor store since his birthday. He was extremely happy that he could buy it.

After that we realized that if I want to go somewhere on my own and need help I am going to need a phone which brings us to the grand finale of this post. I HAVE AN iPhone!!!!!! oh yeah! okay well I will hopefully post something later.


  1. iphone 4? or 3G?
    Motionx drive is a turn by turn map app I heard good things about.
    Have you found a good translation app? looks interesting.

  2. 3g s I have only downloaded games...
