Okay so this is my new friend Embla. She is Filip's cousin's daughter. She is officially my first Swedish friend. For all you people who scoff at my making friends with someone so young, she is cooler than you probably so get over it.
So today we cleaned and cleaned and cooked. We got everything together for Filip's birthday celebration. I was super nervous at first because today I met Filip's whole family pretty much. I was super awkward throughout any introductions and to make matters worse there was champagne involved. We toasted to birthdays and Welcomes and moped licenses. After the toast I felt like my champagne glass was glued to my hand. I guess I just felt less nervous with something to do. Unfortunately my "something" was drinking.
Lucky for me it was soon time to eat. Plus the champagne had run out. I had to pluck up some courage to actually interact with people. I am pretty sure no one noticed my anti-social tendencies. What really helped me was Embla, I can't understand her and she doesn't understand me (for the most part). But she is really funny and she seemed to really like me. We played soccer and keep away with Filip and we sat together for the rest of the party pretty much. I really want to learn Svenska even more now just so I can have a conversation with her.
The rest of Filip's family were great. They were all very nice and welcoming and super helpful with my poor Swedish. I had a lot of fun even though I couldn't understand much.
we want to see more pictures please