Alrighty then, I want to start off first by saying again that this is mostly intended for my family and friends but anyone is more than welcome to read these. Especially if you are trying to move to Sweden too :) and i might as well put in a disclaimer now about any poor grammar or misspellings. I know I suck, but it's whatever.
I haven't officially left yet but I figured you all might be interested in the actual process as well, so I might as well start the blog now.I plan to do a daily update, but we'll see how that goes. I did however officially start packing. I managed to shove about 1/2 of my wardrobe and not nearly enough shoes into two bags. After that I had to stop packing long enough to do another load of laundry and I promptly lost interest while waiting on my clothes... So I am currently waiting for inspiration to strike or for my mother to force me to finish packing. Probably the latter of the two.
I truly apologize if this blog bores you to tears. I don't exactly write too often so yeah, plus I'm super boring... Anyway, I for those of you who don't know how I decided to move to Sweden, Sit back and enjoy...
My boyfriend, Filip and I have been dating for 5 years. We met in high school and have pretty much dated ever since. He and his family are From Sweden and they all moved back after Filip graduated high school. Since then we have visited back and forth and he stayed here for almost a year with me. But now it's my turn. So back in October 2009 We filed an application for a residential visa so that I could move to Sweden to stay with him. We had originally planned to live in the USA but honestly, he is a lot happier in Sweden and I am totally okay with moving there. I love traveling and trying new things so this can be my great Swedish adventure.
The only down sides to this whole moving thing that I might not be able to bring all my shoes. Oh and I'll be leaving my family and friends here, And my jobs... Okay so sue me, I like having money. The one thing that scares me the most is the possibility of not finding a job since I can't speak Swedish.
Oh yeah! I forgot to mention that actually. I DON'T SPEAK SWEDISH. Houston, we have a problem.